The Raising Stars Autism Center does not diagnose, but we can guide you and give you suggestions if you are pursing an evaluation for your child.

First: You want to find a developmental pediatrician, pediatric psychologist, or psychiatrist that can diagnose. Make sure to call the doctors’ office and explain what you are needing to see if it is a good fit.

Second: You want to know what to expect from an evaluation. This varies depending on the provider.
Generally, you can expect some paperwork and an appointment or multiple appointments that can be lengthy. Make sure you ask your provider about the length of time and if there is any paperwork you may need to fill out ahead of time.

Third: Ask what type of testing they use. The testing varies as well, but two well known test include the ADOS or Vineland-3.

Why do I need this? A formal diagnosis from a medica profession and prescription for LCISW therapy are vital to getting your health insurance to cover therapy. Above all, ask questions of your providers so that you can feel well prepared and informed prior to your appointment.